Upper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical Therapy
215 E. 73rd Street (between 2nd & 3rd Ave)
Upper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical Therapy
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Private Entrance

Street Level, VIP Privacy Upon Request

Insurance Accepted

We accept Cigna, United healthcare, Medicare and Out-of-Network Aetna.

Hours 8am-6pm

We take appointments M-F

Upper Eastside Clinic

Since 2001
About us


At ESR Physical Therapy, our fully trained and licensed professionals provide preventative, rehabilitative and performance-enhancing programs that maximize functionality and promote well-being.

“New research shows physical therapy as effective as arthroscopic knee surgery” (New England Journal of Medicine. NEJM)


Due to our ongoing continued education mentality, our physical therapists are experts at utilizing the most current and effective therapy techniques from hands-on mobilization, and therapeutic exercise to activity and sport simulation with the latest technology to achieve desired rehabilitative results.


We have a vision for enhancing what patients expect from their physical therapy experience. From the moment our patients walk through the door for their initial evaluation until they are discharged, we have their comfort and wellness goals in mind.


We take pride on operating a successful practice by providing the highest quality patient care, a rewarding career to our colleagues, and serve as the best Physical Therapy resource to our patient referral community.



ESR Physical Therapy offers a number of specialized treatments to patients, from the newest in medical technology to the latest in patient education.


For more information on everything below and more answers, please book an appointment. We look forward to serving you.

What is DVT and do you treat it?

Yes, we do treat it! DVT stands for “deep vein thrombosis” (DVT) and usually occurs during air travel. Also known as “economy-class syndrome” because of the cramped seating, D.V.T. also occurs among those who fly in business class and first class, researchers at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands had found. D.V.T. occurs when a blood clot forms within the large deep veins of the body, usually in the leg. If untreated, part of the clot may break off and travel to the lungs, most times causing a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal condition said Dr. Robert Bos, MD. in an interview by ESR Physical Therapy. Obesity, a person’s stature, oral contraceptive use, hormone replacement therapy and inherited blood clotting disorders also increase the risk added Dr. Bos.

Do you have tips on how to deal with back pain?

  1. Yes, Sit in chairs low enough to place both feet on the floor, avoid bar stool type chairs.
  2. While driving: Move your car seat forward so your knees are bent. If your car seat is exceptionally soft, use a firm pillow or mat on your seat.
  3. While standing: Only stand and walk for a short period of time, then change position and sit if possible. When standing, have a footstool to rest one foot on. Always be posture cautious, avoid slumping or leaning.
  4. When lying on your back, place pillow under your knees. Avoid lying on your stomach.
  5. While lifting, know your limitations.
  6. Dress warmly.

Do you have tips on what to do if I pulled a muscle?

Yes, In the event of a muscle strain, or a pulled muscle, immediate treatment includes icing the muscle for no longer than 20 minutes. This can be done several times throughout the day or evening with at least 40 minutes between icings. Always put a towel or pillow case between bare skin and ice. Never apply ice while sleeping. Protect the muscle from further injury. Rest the injured muscle and perform activities in the pain-free range of motion only. Compress the injured muscle using an Ace bandage or brace. Make sure that you can comfortably fit two fingers in between the compressive wrap and the injured limb. Elevate the limb to prevent further swelling. An easy way to remember these steps would be by using the pneumonic PRICE (Protect the muscle, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation).

Do you have tips for stretching?

  • Stretch when muscles are warm! Stretching cold muscles can increase risk of injury. Whether you do a light cardiovascular warm-up prior to stretching or stretch at the end of your workout, muscles will be more pliable and you’ll notice you can stretch farther.
  • Stretch within 15 minutes of activity, especially when participating in sports with uncontrolled dynamic movements (dance, tennis, basketball, martial arts).

Stretching is not a warm-up. Warm-up should consist of performing the intended activity at a lower intensity for about 5-10 minutes before stretching.

Still have any query please Contact us

Upper East Side Team

We are a small practice of top therapists who have been in the community for years. We are personally dedicated to the Upper Eastside Community and love serving generations of families. Come get to know us!

Meredith headshot

Meredith DeVore

Meredith DeVore graduated from LaGuardia Community College and is a licensed physical therapist assistant. Meredith excels at personalizing treatments and therapeutic exercise regimens to help patients reach their goals. She also loves being a part of the postoperative rehabilitation team and has an abundance of experience working with those who have undergone joint replacements. Meredith is an active member of the local American Physical Therapy Association chapter and is incredibly passionate about the profession. When she's not at the clinic, Meredith enjoys birdwatching, playing softball, and spending time with her two cats, Cornelia and William.
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James San Pedro

James San Pedro is the senior staff member and Director of ESR who joined the company in its infancy stage. James helped form ESR into one of the premier PT practices in the Upper East Side. He specializes in Orthopedics and has extensive experience with neuromuscular cases. James has also worked with pediatric and adult sports-related injuries and has served as a trainer to one of the exclusive Upper East Side prep schools. He is the schools on-call PT for athletic and wrestling meets. Along with Dr. Gomez, James is assisting in developing the Prehab Method, a groundbreaking process to reduce athletic injury. He lives with his wife and three daughters, who enjoy traveling and cooking.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)